The Business Partner Intensive



Have you ever had this thought?

  • I LOVE my job. I’ve got the HR basics down. I’m just ready to take on more.

  • We’re doing some really cool things at my company. I want to do as much as possible to help the cause.

  • The reason that I got into HR was to make things better. That’s my ultimate goal, to leave things better than I found them.

  • Things keep changing in HR. And, I really want to keep up. As long as I’m learning and growing, I’m having fun.

  • I’m great at my job, and I know our HR programs, I’m ready to feel more comfortable with leaders at all levels.

If you answered yes to any of these statements, the Business Partner Intensive might be right for you.


What if ……

  • Imagine this. You arrive to work, place your coffee on your desk, and sit down.  You check your calendar and see the meeting with the leadership team.  Instead of utter panic, you’re excited! What you have planned will knock their socks off!

  • OK, now it’s late afternoon, and your manager stops by.  You think to yourself, “the last drive by left me with an emergency project”.  You look up. You’re pleasantly surprised. She said YOU GOT IT! The promotion you’ve been waiting for is yours!

  • It’s quitting time on a Friday. You’ve just packed up your laptop, and you head out of the office. One of the marketing leaders passes you in the hallway and says, “THANK YOU. You look confused. He says, no, seriously, we really need that kind of creative thinking.” You smile and say to yourself, this is what I signed up for.  I’m really making a difference.


Why Join this Program?

Because life is a journey! And, you get out of it, what you put into it! You’re already awesome. This is about creating a better version of you! Why do that? When you’re getting more out of your work, you feel better about yourself. Not only that, you feel better about doing things that you really enjoy like reading Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” or watching Designated Survivor, or just sitting on your front porch waving as your neighbors pass by.

But, seriously, when you participate in the “Business Partner Intensive”, you get more than a typical development program. You also get to …

  • Practice what you’re learning

  • Give and receive feedback

  • Learn and grow

  • Do something that adds to your why!

That’s really what this is all about anyway, right? Becoming the best version of ourselves, reaching for our highest potential, and living a meaningful life.



So, What’s Included?

This is where the rubber meets the road. The nuts and bolts of the Business Partner Intensive. Here’s what you get.

  • A snapshot of where you are and where you end up - measuring progress is important.

  • Two virtual group meetings a month. We’ll do this for just 4 short months.

  • Awesome content that will help you become an even better business partner. To do that, we’ll talk about…

    • The Business Partner Mindset

    • Impactful HR

    • Learning the Business

    • Breaking Barriers to Strategic HR

  • One of kind exercises to bring the topics to life for you.

  • One-on-One coaching to customize your development.

  • An accountability partner to give you that extra support to get the most out of the program.

  • Private Facebook Group for discussion, sharing, and networking


Investment: $1,000

30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee



This program is valid for 8 PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.



Meet your Intensive Facilitator and Coach

Quionna Allen is a career HR professional who has a passion for development. She is excited about the opportunity to focus her expertise and passion in support you. HR development is often last on the checklist. Facilitating the Business Partner Intensive and other programs like it is Quionna’s way of making a difference and adding to this amazing profession. Join Quionna and other like-minded HR professionals on this journey.



Are you ready to take this journey? What are you waiting for?



Still have questions? Have #Goals for 2019? Book a follow-up discussion.